This is about how to setup ssh on linux and windows


This will be run on the linux server
    mkdir ~/.ssh && chmod 700 ~/.ssh

This will do the stuff for the setup

this is run on windows
    ssh-keygen -b 8192

This will generate a key, it can take a minute so don’t worry

You don’t really need a pashprase so just press enter

this is run on windows only
    scp $env:USERPROFILE/.ssh/ username@ip:~/.ssh/authorized_keys

After you run this it will ask for your password and your done!


This is going to lock it down pretty much, making it hard to hack

sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Change the port to something different like 777 for example
Change permit root login to no
turn password authentication to no

Exit nano then run this

sudo systemctl restart sshd


You could have messed something up, so open a new terminal window and login to ssh normally but add -p whatever you set the port too, if it works your all good!